Can underwire bra cause breast cancer?

We’ve heard so many people ask this question “Can wearing Under-Wire Bra give me Breast Cancer?” Some people go as far as purging their lingerie closet and getting rid of great-looking bras without doing any research.

Well, today, we’ve researched the question to that answer and the short answer is – HELL NO – wearing Under-Wire Bra DOES NOT cause Breast Cancer !

According to CBS Health “The theory that under-wire bras cause cancer by blocking drainage of lymph has been discredited. Lots of studies have looked for a link between underwire bras and cancer and found nothing”.

In addition, The Komen Organization, the world’s largest non-profit organization propelling breast cancer research,  published the following excerpt on Under-wire bras and Breast Cancer:

“Scientific evidence does not support a link between wearing an underwire bra (or any type of bra) and breast cancer risk [457]. There is no biological reason the two would be linked. Any observed relationship is likely due to other factors.

A 1991 case-control study found that women who did not wear bras had a lower risk of breast cancer than women who did wear bras [458]. However, the authors stated this link was likely due to factors related to wearing a bra rather than the bra itself.

The women in the study who did not wear a bra were more likely to be thin, which the authors concluded might account for their decreased risk of breast cancer [458].

Although wearing a bra does not appear to be linked to breast cancer risk, breast size is under study as a potential risk factor.”

You can click this link to learn more about breast size and breast cancer risk.  

So keep your sexy bras on and rock on !


P.S. Hey, you probably already know this but we’d like to stress again that we are not a health organization. If you have an immediate health-related questions please be sure to seek the opinion of a health care provider.

As always, stay tuned for our next post.